Join us Wednesday, August 19th for our first PTO meeting of the new school year
The Meadow View PTO meets on the third Wednesday of each month. Please join us this August 19, at 6 p.m. in the school library for the first PTO meeting of the 2015-16 school year.
Meetings typically last 60-90 minutes, and free child care is available for Meadow View students and their siblings. Register by Friday, August 15, to secure a spot for your student(s).
All Meadow View parents are welcome. We hope to see you there!
Download the agenda here>>
I'm a title. Click here to edit me
Join us for the February PTO meeting and take advantage of free child care
Free child care for Meadow View students and siblings provided by Castle View High School students is provided in the gym during monthly PTO meetings. Join us Wednesday, Feb. 20, at 6 p.m. in the library/media center and find out what's going on at school. Meetings generally last an hour to an hour and a half.
Attention CVHS students - looking for volunteer hours?
The Meadow View Elementary PTO is seeking volunteers to supervise the children of parents attending the monthly meetings at the school. Meetings typically take place on the third Wednesday of each month, and 2-3 volunteers are needed from 5:45 p.m. to approximately 7:30 p.m. (meetings start at 6 and run between 60-90 minutes).
Volunteers would need to supervise children during the meeting with activities such as coloring and drawing and watching a movie in the school cafeteria,
The first meeting is Wednesday, Aug. 23. Click to see the full meeting schedule.
If you are interested in fulfilling volunteer hours through this activity, sign up here>>
Donuts with Dad is coming up at the end of the month!
Come meet other Meadow View dads and enjoy a donut with your student(s) before school on Friday, Aug. 31.
All Meadow View dads, father figures/stepfathers/grandfathers/uncles/etc. are welcome!
This event is open-house format, so please drop in any time between 7:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. Feel free to go to your student(s)'s classroom(s) immediately following for a quick visit.
RSVP here by Aug. 27, to ensure we have enough donuts for everyone>>
And Meadow View moms, we need your help too!
Volunteers are needed to help with planning the event and setting up and serving and cleaning up.
Traditionally, the moms help with the Donuts with Dad, and we ask the dads to return the favor in the spring at Muffins with Mom. Volunteering is a fun way to get to meet other Meadow View parents, and this is an easy event that won't take much of your time!
Sign up here to volunteer for Donuts with Dad>>
Staff Appreciation Week is next week; help the PTO show them what they mean to you!
We encourage you to always share your feelings with staff members at Meadow View, but there's one week when it is imperative. National Teacher Appreciation Week takes place this year the week of May 6 -10; at Meadow View, we call it Staff Appreciation Week. The PTO celebrates our staff every day that week and encourages you to as well.
The PTO has lots of fun activities and pampering planned for the week, and we need your help too! Please sign up to contribute what you can at Get all the details for the week here and on the PTO Facebook page.
Wondering how to show them what an impact they've made this school year, but not sure how? Many of the staff at Meadow View recently filled out a survey that asked them to name some of their favorite things, and now you can have a look for some inspiration. If your teacher or favorite staff member did not fill out the form, please email us and we will try to get some information for you!
Write them a heartfelt note, pick up their favorite treat or a gift card to their favorite restaurant - however you choose to show your appreciation, be sure to check out this list of their favorite things!
Morning (formerly Muffins) with Mom to take place Friday, May 10
Get a head start on Mother's Day on Friday, May 10, with your student(s) in the Meadow View cafeteria (outside too, weather permitting) any time between 7:30 and 8:15 a.m.
Any mother-figure (moms, step-moms, grandmothers, etc.) is welcome to participate with your student.
Breakfast treats and coffee will be served, so be sure to RSVP so we can make sure we have enough for everyone.
CALLING ALL DADS: volunteers needed to organize and administer Morning (formerly Muffins) with Mom
We showed you all the love last fall at Donuts with Dad. Now we're looking for a few good dads to help celebrate our moms so they can participate instead of work the event on Friday, May 10.
In order to keep our costs down, we have changed the name of the event from Muffins with Mom to Morning with Mom to allow more flexibility on what goodies we serve; muffins can be quite expensive!
If you are interested in helping with organizing or with administering (set up, clean up and/or serve) please sign up here and our event coordinator will contact you. Thank you in advance!
Get the Meadow View PTO Key Spring Dates to Remember
Download and print this handy guide to all of the upcoming events this fall that are sponsored by the PTO.
Sunday, May 6
BIG THANK YOU to all our Fun Run sponsors!
We would like to recognize our amazing Fun Run sponsors and wanted to explain why we seek them out ... their cash donations help offset our costs of putting on the event, and their in-kind donations allow us to not have to pay for prizes or services, which means more money raised goes to the school.
This year, we are thrilled to announce that we have raised more than $5,000 in sponsor donations in addition to in-kind donations valued at more than $1,000! Be sure to check out all the sponsors who helped make this possible, Please support them however you can, or just say "thanks!"
Put your shopping dollars to work and support your school!
There are multiple ways you can raise money for the school year-round without spending any more than you already do!
Shop on AmazonSmile and get the same shopping experience you do on with the added benefit of having 0.5% of your purchases support the school.
American Furniture Warehouse
When shopping in stores or online, be sure to have Meadow View's promo code handy (MVES76). When the code is applied, 4% of your purchase price will go back to the school (2% for Simmons Mattress purchases).
Box Tops for Education
You can clip Box Tops from hundreds of participating products and turn them into the classroom by the 10th (or 20th when the 10th falls on a weekend) each month. Each unexpired Box Top is worth 10 cents; please check the expiration date before submitting.
King Soopers Neighborhood Rewards Program
Shop at King Soopers? Get a reloadable gift card designated for Meadow View, and 5% of all your purchases will go to the school. Cards are available in the front office today.
Safeway Community Giving Program
Shop at Safeway? Get a reloadable gift card designated for Meadow View, and 5% of all your purchases will go to the school. Cards are available in the front office today.
Purchase gift cards for just about any merchant in the U.S. and have a percentage of each come back to the school! With more than 700 of the country's biggest retailers to choose from, you can use Scrip to pay for your everyday purchases or to use as gifts.
Shop Black Friday and Cyber Monday on Amazon, and support our school at the same time!
Planning to shop on Amazon on Black Friday or Cyber Monday and haven’t purchased an Amazon gift card from Scrip yet? No worries! You can purchase a "Scrip Now" Amazon gift card through PrestoPay, and the money will be placed in your Amazon account automatically once the amount of your purchase is donwloaded to your Scrip Wallet, so you can access Black Friday deals next week AND support Meadow View!
Although there is no school the week of Thanksgiving, you can still place an order any time using the PrestoPay option. Find out how by clicking here to download the Nov. 16th Friday Folder flyer. For only 15 cents per order, PrestoPay pulls the funds directly from your bank account and ensures your order is placed immediately. On many gift cards (including Amazon), you can even select "Scrip Now," which allows you to access your gift cards electronically as soon as you pay! You can even place your orders on AmazonSmile and earn an additional 0.5% for the school!
Here's how to get signed up:
Sign up to participate at>> An autoreply email will be sent to you upon completion with a code to enroll in the Meadow View PTO Scrip program.
Create a Scrip account>> and enter the code you received.
When you want to place an order for gift cards, simply log back in and order what you want.
The Read-A-Thon is coming! The Read-A-Thon is coming!!
The PTO is excited to host its third annual Meadow View Read-A-Thon, kicking off Thursday, Feb. 15, and closing on Friday, March 2.
Our fundraising goal is $7,500, and the money raised will be used to supplement funding for the PTO's grant program for the school. So far this school year, the PTO has funded many grant requests, including:
instruments for the music room
supplies for the art room
P.E. equipment
chairs, desks and accessories for students with sensory issues
a student Skype session with a Master Artist
a King Soopers gift card to pay for snacks for undernourished students
a food scale for diabetic students, and more.
While we are proud to help with supporting the staff and school in this way, our grant funding is starting to get low, which is why we are designating the proceeds from the Read-A-Thon to help ensure funding for the staff's PTO grant requests through the end of the school year.
Information about the Read-A-Thon will come home with your students in the Friday Folders this week. In the meantime, you can get all the details here>>
Check out these helpful tips to get your students ready for the
The Meadow View Elementary PTO is excited to launch its third annual Read-A-Thon as its secondary fundraising event for the 2017-18 school year! Below are some tips to help you along the way. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please email us. Happy reading!!!
Your student should have brought home a personalized sheet with his/her name and a secret code in last week’s Friday Folders. Follow the instructions on that sheet, and you’ll be ready to go! If you have any questions along the way, please email us. You will have the opportunity to promote your student’s page through emails, social media platforms and you can further customize it by adding a photo of your student.
Even if you choose not to fund raise, setting up your student’s personal page will allow them to track their reading minutes and they will get to select a prize just for setting up their page!
If you registered your student online without setting up a private browsing session, your student’s page should automatically reload when you go to the Read-A-Thon site. If your browser does not automatically log you back in, return to the Read-A-Thon site and log in as a Reader in the upper right corner. Keep your student’s secret code handy (it’s listed on the personalized sheet that came home in the Friday Folders). If you lost your student’s secret code, email us or ask for it from your student’s teacher.
If you have more than one student participating in the Read-A-Thon, you can toggle among accounts by clicking on the “Menu” icon on the upper left of one of your student’s fundraising pages. You should see a dropdown menu that includes “Change Readers.” Once you have registered all your students, you should see each of your student’s names whose pages are not currently open listed. You can also use that menu to edit your student(s)’s fundraising pages – change photo, order prizes, etc.
You can participate too by reading at home (with or without your students!). Read the most minutes and win a $25 Amazon gift card! To register, fill out this entry form (also printed on the back of the overview information that came home with your student in last week’s Friday Folders), send in a $5 entry fee (cash or check made out to “Meadow View Elementary PTO” by Wednesday, Feb. 14, and start logging your reading minutes when the Read-A-Thon starts. Turn in your completed forms by the end of the day Monday, March 5, to be eligible to win. Any questions, please email us.
Log in to you student’s personal page. You can start a reading session at home by clicking on the “Start a Reading Session” icon (you can also access this through the Menu button on the upper left of the page. Simply press the button and customize as needed.
Log in to you student’s personal page and open the Menu in the upper left side of the page. Select “Shop for Prizes” and you will see what is available, depending on how much your student has raised. Remember, your student will be able to select a prize just for setting up their page, so be sure to set up their page even if you are not planning on fundraising.
All prizes must be ordered by the March 12 deadline, and will ship all prizes to the school for distribution.
Introducing Shop with Scrip!
The PTO is excited to offer this opportunity for Meadow View families to purchase gift cards for just about any merchant in the U.S. and have a percentage of each come back to the school! With more than 700 of the country's biggest retailers to choose from, you can use Scrip to pay for your everyday purchases or to use as gifts.
Each card has its own percentage that is donated back to the school - VISA (1.25%), Kohl's (4%), PetSmart (9%), Gap (14%) and Lands End (16%) - and if you use these cards for your retail shopping, just imagine how much you could earn for the school without spending anything extra!
When you place orders for Scrip, you pay full face value for the gift cards, and each card provides a percentage of that purchase back to the school. So say you order a $100 gift card for The Home Depot, and you submit a check for that amount by the weekly deadline (Tuesdays at 10 .m.) and the PTO places a group order that includes your $100 order, we pay less than the full face value for cards (2 – 13% less, depending on the retailer). The Home Depot, for example, offers a 4% rebate, so the PTO pays $96 for that $100 gift card. What happens to that $4 difference? It’s awarded to your school as a rebate!
Click here for more details and to get started>>
Spring fundraiser aims to support the school's Reading Resource Room
We are excited to launch the fourth annual Read-A-Thon as our secondary fundraising event for the 2018-19 school year!
The Read-A-Thon will highlight literacy as we work to try to raise $5,000 to help support the school’s Reading Resource Room. The Reading Resource Room provides all classrooms with books to support literacy throughout the school year. Over time, these books can get lost or damaged, and there is always a desire for the latest children's literature to keep the content fresh and interesting for our students.
The Read-A-Thon takes place over a two-week period (Feb. 19 to March 1) and consist of nine reading sessions during the school day (NOTE there is no school on Monday, Feb. 18, which is why the event starts on Tuesday and is one day shorter than previous years). The reading sessions will take place during the classrooms’ regular literacy periods. Students are encouraged to log additional reading time at home.
Parents can get involved by participating in our Parent Read-A-Thon and reading along with your students at home. Register for $5 and turn in your registration form by Thursday, Feb. 14. The parent who reads the most minutes wins a $25 Amazon gift card!
Nominations are open for all board positions, including:
Vice President
Staff Director (staff position)
Staff Communications Liaison (staff position)
Detailed descriptions of each position and its responsibilities are available here.
PTO board positions are a one-school-year commitment. The board meets monthly the week prior to the general monthly PTO meetings.
The election process works like this:
Call for nominations in March
Nominations must be submitted prior to the general PTO meeting in April (nominations due April 9)
The 2018-2019 proposed board slate will be announced by the current board following the April meeting (held April 18)
The general membership will vote on the positions at the general PTO meeting in May (held May 16)
The Meadow View Elementary PTO exists to enrich the educational and social experience of all Meadow View students through the cooperative efforts of the staff, parents and Meadow View community by seeking resources: funds, materials and services with educationally focused goals that further the interests of our school community.
Serving on the PTO board is a great way to give back to the school and meet new friends!
All nominations are due by April 9, 2018, and should be submitted to at least two current executive board members via email –,,, or or
Support your school when you shop for your family’s meals!
Did you know you can earn money for your school by shopping at two local grocery stores and not have to spend any more than you already are?
Get your King Soopers and Safeway prepaid cards in the front office for $2.50 (King Soopers) or $5 (Safeway). Cards come with the corresponding amount already pre-loaded, so your net cost is $0!
Reload your cards; 5% of every dollar you load goes back to Meadow View. You can use your credit card to load any amount up to $500 before checking out, and you can still get all your rewards points and benefits at the stores. You can even use them at the affiliated gas stations!
Imagine how much money could go back to our school if everyone used the cards when grocery shopping or filling up with gas!
Get all the details on the King Soopers Neighborhood Rewards program here>>
Get all the details on the Safeway Community Giving program here>>
Please help keep our children safe
We respectfully ask that you review the information below and follow the rules that are in place to keep everyone safe.
Please do not allow your students to get in or out of your vehicles in the drive-through (left) lane.
The right lane (closest to the school) is the only lane your students should be getting into and out of your vehicle, and they should be using the doors on the passenger side. We have seen many students crossing lanes and getting out on the driver side, which is very dangerous.
If you are in a hurry, you may also drop off your students curbside on the south (school) side of Butterfield Crossing Drive in between the parking lot entrance and the crossing guard lane. Please stay out of the crossing lane and do not block the entrances/exits from the parking and bus lots.
Please respect “No Parking” signs in the parking lot.
New signage was erected on the west end of the parking lot next to the concrete barricades, indicating a NO PARKING zone. Please do not park in this area, or your car will be ticketed and/or towed. This area must be clear at all times to ensure emergency vehicles can get through.
Do not park in handicapped or reserved parking spots unless you have the appropriate permits.
Several parking spots dedicated to MDVE staff have been added on the street side of the bus drop-off drive. DO NOT PARK in these spots under any circumstances as they are dedicated to staff only.
Please obey the laws.
Do not make U-turns on Butterfield Crossing Drive. Ever.
Do not leave your vehicle on Butterfield Crossing Drive. If you are in line to pick up your students in the pick-up line, stay in your vehicle and move forward as the line progresses. This is a loading/unloading zone only, and when you leave your car unattended, it interferes with the progress of the line. If you want to retrieve your student, park in the lot or on a sides street.
Do not make a left turn out of the school parking lot when it is prohibited – between 8-9 a.m. and between 3-4 p.m.
Do not drive up or through the bus drop-off drive to drop off or pick up your students.
Please use the crosswalk when crossing Butterfield Crossing Drive.
Follow the posted speed limit at all times.
And as a reminder, please do not drop your students off at the school before 8:15 a.m. as that is when the doors are unlocked and supervision is provided. The front door will be unlocked at 8:15 a.m. even if there is not a staff member visible. If you need morning childcare support, please contact our Before After School Enteprise (BASE) program.
Please direct any questions or concerns to the front office - 303-387-5425.
Click here to read the letter outlining the morning drop-off process>>
You can support the school by selecting "Meadow View Elementary PTO" when you make your purchases on Amazon Smile
Did you know you can direct 0.5% of your purchases to Meadow View PTO when you place your orders through Amazon Smile?
Simply click here to get set up (select Meadow View Elementary PTO as your charity) and feel good about shopping since you'll also be supporting our school!
Meadow View students reach their Fun Run fundraising goal!!
The PTO is thrilled to announce that thanks to your students and some very generous local businesses and families, we hit our Fun Run fundraising goal!!! Your students raised $22,215.45! That means not only will we be able to finance some cool new work spaces for our school, but we will be celebrating their hard work in a big way at our celebration day in November! CONGRATULATIONS, MOUNTAIN LIONS!!!
Fun Run Celebration Day will take place Friday, Nov. 18, which is the last day of school before the Thanksgiving break). Students will be treated to an all-school assembly led by Fun Run Chuck, with the raffle prize drawing (for every $5 they raised, students will be entered into a raffle to win lots of cool prizes donated by local businesses and families). The student who raised the most money will be awarded with an Elitch Gardens family pass, and Mrs. Dahl and Mrs. Bass will be dyeing their hair red and blue!
All classrooms earning class prizes (TBA soon) will also claim their classroom prizes that day. Classroom prizes will be awarded based on the total fundraised amount and are cumulative.
All classes that raise a minumum of $1,500 will receive an extra recess, and a pizza party the day before Thanksgiving break. Their teacher will also receive a $100 gift card.
Below is a breakout of the prize structure (all prizes are cumulative):
$1,500 raised
extra recess
$100 gift card for your teacher
milkshake party the day before Thanksgiving break
$2,000 raised
all of the above PLUS:
a Chromebook for your classroom
$2,500 raised
all of the above PLUS:
a "Block Party" with life-sized Lego Blocks
2016-17 Fun Run: Fundraising efforts underway
Students participated in an all-school assembly last Tuesday morning to learn all about the 2016-17 Fun Run. This fundraiser is all about collecting pledges for laps run on a 1/16-mile course and having fun doing it!
Students are being challenged to raise at least $100 per student and $1,500 per class by collecting pledges from family and friends (no door-to-door soliciting). Classes that raise a minimum of $1,500 will earn an extra recess, a milkshake party and a $100 gift card for their teacher to use for their classroom.
The 2016-17 Fun Run takes place on Tuesday, Sept. 20. Parents are encouraged to volunteer at the event and register to run* with their students.
Get all the 2016-17 Fun Run details here>>
*Parents, grandparents and other family members or friends can register to run too! The fee is $25, and it includes a T-shirt (guaranteed if you registered by Aug. 31, but we ordered a handful of extras to have on hand race day). Race day registrations will be accepted. You may choose to divide your $25 entry fee among several students if you have more than one. You only need to register once even if you plan to run multiple times.
The Fun Run is underway and we need volunteers to help
The 2017-18 Fun Run kicked off the day after Labor Day with an all-school assembly in the gym, and your student should have come home with an info sheet about the Fun Run that has a pledge sheet printed on the back.
The PTO is excited to partner for the third year with 99Pledges to streamline the donation and donor outreach process for our Fun Run school fundraiser. Tomorrow, you will receive an email from 99Pledges with a link to your student’s individual fundraising page. Then all you have to do is share, share, share!
Parents and other family members and friends are invited to register to participate with your student(s). For a $25 donation, you can register to run with your student(s). You may register up through Fun Run Day, but T-shirts cannot guaranteed for registrations after Sept. 6. We will have a limited supply of T-shirts available on a first-come, first-served basis for registrations after Sept. 6. When you register to run with your student, you can designate your $25 to go to that student, or you can split it up among several if you have more than one Meadow View student. Your $25 registration also allows you to run with each of your students, so you can participate multiple times but only register/pay once.
The 2017-18 Fun Run will be managed entirely by Meadow View parent volunteers. That means that 100% of all proceeds will stay with the school, but it also means that we need more volunteers for a successful event. Volunteers are needed to help mark students' T-shirts for laps run on Sept. 19, tally laps after the runs and hand out Otter Pop treat and key chains with foot tokens to reward for laps run. SIGN UP HERE TO VOLUNTEER>>
All volunteers will be treated to a complimentary lunch from our official Fun Run Food Sponsor, Z'Abbracci.
Get details on this year’s Fun Run here.
If you have any questions, please ask! Thank you so much for your support!
Register for Free Child Care for the November PTO meeting by this Friday
If you plan to join us for the monthly PTO meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 18, and you need child care, be sure to register by midnight this Friday.
The meeting takes place in the library at 6 p.m. and generally lasts an hour to an hour and a half. Free child care for Meadow View students and siblings is provided in the gym. If you are interested, reserve your spot for free childcare here!
Volunteers: We need you!
Got an hour to spare? We've got something just for you! Want to make more of a long-term commitment? We can find plenty for you to do too! Find your fit and feel good about helping your school.
Volunteer Coordination Chair: This position would serve as the point person for all PTO volunteer coordination. The chairperson would work closely with the PTO President and other board members to ensure volunteer positions are identified and filled.
Teacher Appreciation Committee Members: We love our MDVE staff, and we need some creative ideas and support throughout the year as well as during Teacher Appreciation Week the first week in May. One or more people are needed to assist with planning and executing how we will show these amazing teachers our love.
FROYO-TO-GO FRIDAY Chair: The last Friday of each month, students can purchase Smart Cow froyo at the end of the school day. This position would coordinate the orders each month and manage the volunteers and the event itself. This position would take approximately 30 minutes of planning each month and about an hour of hands-on time during each event.
FROYO-TO-GO FRIDAY Volunteers: The last Friday of each month, students can purchase Smart Cow froyo at the end of the school day. Volunteers are needed to sell the froyo after school. You would need to arrive by 3:15 p.m., and you are typically finished by 3:45 p.m. One person is needed to help count the money afterwards. Sign up for any month here.
Spirit Shop volunteer: Help work the MDVE Spirit Shops on Fridays after school. We have a new “CEO” for the 2016-17 school year, and she would love some help working the shop on Fridays.
Email us if you're interested in volunteering!
Deadline is Monday, April 10, to submit nominations to serve on next year's PTO board!
The Meadow View Elementary PTO exists to enrich the educational and social experience of all Meadow View students through the cooperative efforts of the staff, parents and Meadow View community by seeking resources: funds, materials and services with educationally focused goals that further the interests of our school community.
The PTO manages the Fun Run, Read-A-Thon, Spirit Nights, Donuts with Dad, Muffins with Mom, Froyo-to-go Fridays and more. Over the years, the PTO's fundraising efforts have enabled the purchase, mounting and maintenance of the overhead projectors in each classroom, the marquee sign in front of the school, Artful Learning supplies for every grade level and grants for field trips, just to name a few. The PTO is a resource for supplementing funding gaps for the school as well as providing educational and social opportunities for our students and their families. And serving on the board is a great way to give back to the school and meet new friends!
Nominations are open for all board positions, including:
Vice President, Fundraising
Vice President, Communications
Member at Large (staff position)
Detailed descriptions of each position and its responsibilities are available here>>
PTO board positions are a one-school-year commitment. The board meets monthly the week prior to the general monthly PTO meetings.
The election process works like this:
Call for nominations in March
Nominations must be submitted prior to the general PTO meeting in April (nominations due April 10)
The 2017-2018 proposed board slate will be announced by the current board at the April meeting (held April 19)
The general membership will vote on the positions at the general PTO meeting in May (held May 17)
All nominations are due by April 10, 2017, and should be submitted to at least two current executive board members via email –,,,, or
Register for Free Child Care for the Upcoming PTO Meeting
Please join us for the October PTO meeting this Wednesday in the school library at 6 p.m. Meetings generally last an hour to an hour and a half, and free child care for Meadow View students and siblings is provided in the gym.
If you are interested, reserve your spot for free childcare here!
Next Dough Raising at Dominos is today!
We are excited to continue a program to help raise money for our school. Dough Raising Nights at Domino's will again take place the first Wednesday of every month during the school year.
Here’s how it works:
Call 303-660-1222 or go online to order Domino's Pizza.
Fill out the form and give it to your delivery driver, or bring it in with you if you wish to pick up your order.
Domino's will donate 15% of your order to Meadow View.
Forms can be downloaded and printed here. They are also available any time in the front office.
Be sure to fill out your form and give it to your delivery driver or to the cashier if you do carryout to ensure that your order is credited to Meadow View.
Join our email list
Ever miss an event or a deadline because the flyer didn't make it home in your student's backpack? Don't worry, now you can opt-in to receive PTO-specific communications right into your email inbox. You'll always be in-the-know because you will never miss an announcement again!
Sign up to get PTO-specific communications emailed to you. Your email address will remain confidential and will never be shared. And you can opt-out any time.
Sidewalk Chalk Decorating Party rescheduled to Wednesday!
Mother Nature did not cooperate this weekend, so we invite you to join us this Wednesday from 5-6 p.m. to decorate the school sidewalks with messages for the teachers and staff to find Thursday morning. Bring your creativity and art skills. Chalk will be provided.
Get more information about Teacher Appreciation Week here>>
Calling all dads: volunteers wanted to help set up and serve at Muffins with Mom
We showed you all the love last fall at Donuts with Dad. Now we're looking for a few good dads to help celebrate our moms so they can participate instead of work the event on Friday, May 6.
If you are interested in helping set up and/or serve, please sign up here and our event coordinator will contact you. Thank you in advance!
Last Dough Raising at Dominos of the year is Wednesday!
We are excited to continue a program to help raise money for our school. Dough Raising Nights at Domino's will again take place the first Wednesday of every month during the school year.
Here’s how it works:
Call 303-660-1222 or go online to order Domino's Pizza.
Fill out the form and give it to your delivery driver, or bring it in with you if you wish to pick up your order.
Domino's will donate 15% of your order to Meadow View.
Forms can be downloaded and printed here. They are also available any time in the front office.
Be sure to fill out your form and give it to your delivery driver or to the cashier if you do carryout to ensure that your order is credited to Meadow View.
The Fun Run has come and gone, but the fundraising continues!
The 2015-16 Fun Run took place during the students’ specials periods on Wednesday, September 23. It was a picture-perfect day as students ran laps for 30 minutes on a 1/16th of a mile course. The money raised through the 2015-16 Fun Run will help fund the school's Artful Learning curriculum through technology and supplies.
The fundraising window is open through the fall break with all donations due by Wednesday, October 21.
If your student needs an extra pledge sheet, please feel free to download and print one here. If an extra collection envelope is needed, there are a few extras in the front office.
You can track online donations for the entire school here. If you have any questions about your student's individual fundraising page, please let us know and we can help!
Learn more about the Fun Run here>>
Spirit Night at Crave rescheduled to Nov. 24
Join us any time between 3 - 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 24, for Meadow View Spirit Night at Crave. Dine in (sorry, no carryouts), and Crave will generously donate a percentage of all proceeds back to our school.
Be sure to bring the flyer and let your server know that you're there to support Meadow View!
Inaugural Smart Cow Fro-Yo-To-Go Event Nov. 24 after school
The PTO presents "Fro-Yo-To-Go" to wrap up its Fun Run Celebration Day on Tuesday, Nov. 14.
Starting at 3:15 p.m. on Nov. 24, students and parents can purchase sealed 8-oz containers of Smart Cow frozen yogurt in the main lobby of the school for $3.
Fro-Yo-To-Go is "to go" and must be taken home to enjoy. First-come, first-served, and cash or checks made out to "Meadow View PTO" will be accepted until we run out.
Remember to send cash to school with your students Tuesday morning, so they can come home with some Smart Cow Frozen Yogurt in a to-go container to enjoy over the Thanksgiving break. All proceeds go to the Meadow View PTO and the programs it supports.
Interested in being a PTO leader next school year?
The Call for Nominations is open through April 13
Nominations for 2016-2017 Board of Directors are now being accepted for all board positions, including President; Vice President, Fundraising; Vice President, Communications; Secretary; Treasurer;
Assistant Treasurer; and Staff Member at Large (must be MDVE staff member).
Click here to get descriptions for each position.
The election process works like this:
Call for nominations in March
Nominations must be submitted prior to the general PTO meeting in April (nominations due April 13)
The 2015-2016 proposed board slate will be announced by the current board following the April meeting (held April 20)
The general membership will vote on the positions at the general PTO meeting in May (held May 18)
If you are interested in serving on the 2016-2017 PTO board, or want to nominate someone who is, please notify at least two current board members by April 13.
Serving on the PTO board is a great way to give back to the school and meet new friends.
Dough Raising at Dominos starts September 2
We are excited to continue a program to help raise money for our school. Dough Raising Nights at Domino's will again take place the first Wednesday of every month, beginning in September, through the rest of the school year.
Here’s how it works:
Call 303-660-1222 or go online to order Domino's Pizza.
Fill out the form and give it to your delivery driver, or bring it in with you if you wish to pick up your order.
Domino's will donate 15% of your order to Meadow View.
Forms can be downloaded and printed here. They are also available any time in the front office.
Be sure to fill out your form and give it to your delivery driver or to the cashier if you do carryout to ensure that your order is credited to Meadow View.
Box Tops Due September 10
To ensure that we reduce the submission of expired Box Tops and to help streamline the collection process, Meadow View is collecting Box Tops for Education on an ongoing basis in the classrooms. The next collection date is this Thursday, September 10.
Get details here >>
Download a Box Tops collection form here >>
PTO meeting Wednesday, April 15
Please join us for our monthly meeting in the library at 6 p.m. We will be introducing the proposed slate for our board for the 2015-16 school year and talking about the upcoming Fun Run. And our kindergarten teachers will be sharing some of their classroom experiences with the Artful Learning curriculum.
Box Tops due April 10
To ensure that we reduce the submission of expired Box Tops and to help streamline the collection process, Meadow View is now collecting Box Tops for Education on an ongoing basis in the classrooms. The next collection date is Friday, April 10. Get details here>>
Last Dough Raising Night at Domino's of the school year is Wednesday, May 6
We are excited to launch new program to help raise money for our school. Dough Raising Nights at Domino's will take place the first Wednesday of every month, beginning in December, through the rest of the school year.
Here’s how it works:
Call 303-660-1222 or go online to order Domino's Pizza.
Fill out the form and give it to your delivery driver, or bring it in with you if you wish to pick up your order.
Domino's will donate 15% of your order to Meadow View.
Forms can be downloaded and printed here. They are also available any time in the front office.
Be sure to fill out your form and give it to your delivery driver or to the cashier if you do carryout to ensure that your order is credited to Meadow View. Please note that Dominos has moved; new address is 695 Jerry St.
Interested in being a PTO leader next school year? The Call for Nominations is open through April 8
Nominations for 2015-2016 Board of Directors are now being accepted for all board positions, including President; Vice President, Fundraising;
Vice President, Communications; Secretary; Treasurer; Assistant Treasurer; and Staff Member at Large (must be MDVE staff member). Click here to get descriptions for each position>>
The election process works like this:
Call for nominations in March
Nominations must be submitted prior to the general PTO meeting in April (nominations due April 8)
The 2015-2016 proposed board slate will be announced by the current board following the April meeting (held April 15)
The general membership will vote on the positions at the general PTO meeting in May (held May 20)
If you are interested in serving on the 2015-2016 PTO board, or want to nominate someone who is, please notify at least two current board members by April 8.
Serving on the PTO board is a great way to give back to the school and meet new friends.
Get your King Soopers and/or Safeway card today and you could win a card pre-loaded with $50!
Get your King Soopers and Safeway cards in the front office and reload them between now and the end of Spring Break to be eligible to win. Cards are available in the front office now for $2.50 (King Soopers) or $5 (Safeway) and come with the corresponding amount already pre-loaded, so your net cost is $0! Get all the details here>>
2015-2016 PTO Operating Budget>>
2015-2016 Monthly Financial Reports
May 2016
July 2016
- April 2016
December 2015 - no report this month due to no PTO meeting this month
August 2015 - no report this month due to the PTO incorporating itself as an independent organization
2014-2015 PTO Operating Budget>>
2014-2015 Monthly Financial Reports
2013-2014 PTO Operating Budget>>
2013-2014 Monthly Financial Reports
WANTED: A few good volunteers to serve as PTO Liaisons for your student's classroom
The PTO is seeking volunteers to serve as a PTO Classroom Liaison. This volunteer position is similar to a "room parent" and could even be the same person.
Typical responsibilities include:
Communications - Help ensure accurate timely communications between the PTO, the teacher and the parents regarding PTO activities or needs within the classroom.
Collections - Help facilitate the collection process for fundraisers like the Fun Run and Box Tops for Education.
Photography - Periodically take photos for potential use in the Yearbook and/or on the Meadow View PTO website and Facebook page. You will be provided a list of students who have been opted out of all media for your classroom.
PTO Classroom Liaisons are intended to help lessen the burden on the teachers by serving as a go-to person for the PTO when some extra help is needed communicating with or engaging the classroom.
You don't even need to attend PTO meetings; the PTO VP of Communications will provide you with timely information via email on a regular basis. Questions? Just ask!
If you are interested, please fill out this form and return it to the front office by Aug. 31.

Vicki Kravitz
Featured Volunteer
What began with filling the Friday Folders for her kindergartner's class two years ago has evolved into something more along the lines of uber-volunteer status for Vicki Kravitz.
Mom to fifth-grader Sammy and second-grader Olivia, Vicki can often be seen volunteering in both her daughters' classrooms, leading each of their Girl Scout Troops, and pretty much anything else that she's asked to do.
This often involves her talent for crafting and homemade treats.
To show her appreciation and welcome the Meadow View staff back to school this fall, Vicki made apple cake pops bouquets. She also created 65 mugs filled with all sorts of goodies (most of them handmade by Vicki). The mugs read "Keep Calm and ROAR on."
She says she does it because she has the time and because "my kids actually still like to see me at school. I get a lot out of it too; it makes me feel good to contribute. I know it's appreciated, and that's nice."


Parents: Register to run with your student(s) here!
Like last year, parents and other family members and friends can register to run with their student(s).
Please designate the student(s) you wish to receive credit for your donation ($25). You may list more than one student, and you must register by Sept. 4 to be guaranteed a T-shirt on Fun Run day.

Would you like to increase your visibility to families in The Meadows? Promote your business by becoming a Meadow View Elementary PTO sponsor for the 2014-2015 school year.
Meadow View Elementary has an enrollment of just over 500 students and is located in The Meadows subdivision in Castle Rock, one of the most desirable areas in the metro area. According to, the median household income is $116,165, well above the national average, and more than 65% of the residents have children. Fourteen percent of the residents moved to the Meadows in the past year, which means there are many who could benefit from learning about your business!
All opportunities are available on a first-come first-served basis, and there are options for every budget level. Don’t miss out!
The PTO presents "Fro-Yo-To-Go" to wrap up its Fun Run Celebration Day on Tuesday, Nov. 14.
Starting at 3:15 p.m., students and parents can purchase sealed 8-oz containers of Smart Cow frozen yogurt in the main lobby of the school for $3.
Check out these helpful tips to get your students ready for the
Interested in being a PTO leader next school year?
The Call for Nominations is open through April 13
Nominations for 2016-2017 Board of Directors are now being accepted for all board positions, including President; Vice President, Fundraising; Vice President, Communications; Secretary; Treasurer; Assistant Treasurer; and Staff Member at Large (must be MDVE staff member).
Click here to get descriptions for each position.
The election process works like this:
Call for nominations in March
Nominations must be submitted prior to the general PTO meeting in April (nominations due April 13)
The 2015-2016 proposed board slate will be announced by the current board following the April meeting (held April 20)
The general membership will vote on the positions at the general PTO meeting in May (held May 18)
If you are interested in serving on the 2016-2017 PTO board, or want to nominate someone who is, please notify at least two current board members by April 13.
Serving on the PTO board is a great way to give back to the school and meet new friends.

Every month (except April - we have Spirit Night at Smart Cow that month) for the rest of the school year on the last Friday, your students can bring $3 to purchase an 8-oz Smart Cow frozen yogurt-to-go cup.
FROYO-TO-GO FRIDAY will take place in two locations immediately after school:
Primary grades: in the front lobby next to the Spirit Shop, on the side closest to the front doors
Secondary grades: in the front lobby next to the Spirit Shop, on the side closest to the cafeteria
All cups are covered and designed to be taken home to enjoy. First-come, first-served until sold out.
Next event:
March 15
2017-18 FUN RUN
Our biggest fundraiser for the school year - The Meadow View 2017-18 Fun Run - is all about collecting pledges for laps run on a 1/16-mile course to help support our school and having fun doing it.
Sign up to volunteer HERE>>
Get all the Fun Run details HERE>>

Meadow View PTO Key Fall Dates to Remember - coming soon!
Download and print this handy guide to all of the upcoming events this fall that are sponsored by the PTO.