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The Meadow View PTO is a chapter of the Douglas County Educational Foundation (DCEF). Created in June of 1990 to develop private resources to enrich education within Douglas County schools for the fulfillment of lifelong learning experiences of our students, citizens and community , the DCEF is a non-profit Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) organization.


DCEF's school-based chapters provide resources to enrich educational opportunities for students within their specific school. Site-based volunteer committees representing parents, staff, administration, and the community manage school chapters.


School Chapters plan and conduct fundraisers to raise money to support both immediate and long-term needs identified within their school community. Revenue generated by Chapters is used to sponsor school events and provide support for staff, students and the school facility.  Use this website to purchase tickets, products, and memberships, and to make a donation/payment to a Chapter. 100% of donations/payments go directly to the designated chapters.


For more information about Douglas County Educational Foundation, call 303-387-0505 or submit your question here.

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